Our commitments

Making your arrival easier

During the summer period, the Port Office’s agents welcome you right on the Pantiero jetty at the Maison des Plaisanciers to avoid having to visit the Port Office to register. This relocation enables us to offer a service closer to you as well as a special welcome: access badges: payment of invoices by bank card, information, etc.

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Restoring marine biodiversity

The Port of Cannes, in partnership with ECOCEAN, has set up 34 Biohut® nurseries to contribute to the protection and restoration of marine biodiversity of the coastline at Cannes. These nurseries help recreate refuge and feeding zones for the first stages in the development of marine biodiversity. Ecological monitoring will be carried out over a number of years to identify what species are thriving there.

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Carefully monitoring water quality

Water analyses are carried out six times a year by an accredited laboratory at nine different locations in the Port, including the outlet of the boatyard area settling tank, the rainwater runoff outlet and the fuel station. Since 2020, particular attention has been paid to microbiological parameters in the area occupied by yachts. At the same time, the body of water is cleaned daily by a specialist service provider with a barge for collecting large items of waste.

Ensuring optimal waste management

At the Port of Cannes, particular attention is paid to waste management. There are several collection points to dispose of your rubbish. A disposal point for hazardous waste is also available to use free of charge on the boatyard area. This enables batteries, used motor oil, soiled materials, etc. to be collected and sorted

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Preserving water quality

In order to avoid any discharge of wastewater from the boats into the Mediterranean, and help preserve water quality and marine biodiversity, the Port of Cannes has three points for you to transfer your wastewater: one point available free of charge at the fuel station for small and medium-sized pleasure boats, and two points managed by accredited service providers for yachts and superyachts. New in 2020: a point located on the “Pantiero jetty” directly connected to the Aquaviva purification plant in Mandelieu-la-Napoule that offers medium-sized pleasure boats an additional direct pumping service for wastewater.

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Providing efficient and eco-friendly lighting

Lighting at the Port of Cannes is 100% LED, ensuring maximum safety, as the use of a less intense light avoids glare. This lighting helps improve your comfort, but also helps to reduce energy consumption and light pollution while optimising maintenance.

Eco-responsible construction

As part of its commitment to eco-responsible management, the Port of Cannes has built the environmentally friendly Maison des Plaisanciers (pleasure boaters’ office). Built on a wooden frame, it has features that allow it to conserve resources: solar-powered water heater, LED lighting, thermal insulation and time delays on the showers and taps to limit water consumption.


Reducing marine pollution

The Port of Cannes has installed a 2 mm anti-pollution mesh on an outlet situated in the fishing zone. This innovative system is the first of its kind in the world for a port.  The double-walled mesh prevents large items of waste coming from the rainwater networks entering the Port. As a matter of fact, more than 80% of waste that we find in the water such as plastic, aluminium or glass, originates onshore: the implementation of this innovative mesh allows us to reduce the amount of waste and therefore improve the Port’s water quality.

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Ensuring your safety

At the Port of Cannes, we have made every effort to ensure your safety thanks to access controls covering the entire Port, a Security Control Centre, more than 150 cameras across the Port and security personnel working 24/7. The Port of Cannes is also the first port in the world to be equipped with infrared barriers to prevent intruders and the first French port to be awarded the Sécuri-Site certification from the Prefecture of the Alpes-Maritimes department.

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