A second edition for the ‘Printemps du port’

11 April 2023

On the programme: remote-controlled mini-sailboat races, origami and drawing workshops, foodtrucks, themed board games with the participation of our partner Ecocean, awareness-raising about the protection of our oceans and coasts with Surfrider Alpes-Maritimes, heritage escapades thanks to our immersive virtual reality capsules and Aventure Pluriel, the ISCAV Association and Ecomer, and visits to the SNSM Antibes lifeboats and fire brigade.


A team of experts and enthusiasts will set the pace for this second edition of Printemps du Port:
1. The history of the port: Meet the members of the ISCAV, the historical association of Vauban port boaters, who will tell you about its history
2. Traditional Ships: Learn about traditional ships with the Aventure Pluriel association, proud representatives of our heritage quay
3. Preserve the oceans: Come and meet the Surfrider Foundation team to play and learn about the preservation of our oceans and coasts
4. The environment: The management and quality of the environment unit of the city of Antibes Juan les Pins will propose games and animations on the themes of posidonie, marine animals and birds.
5. Marine Biodiversity: Take part in a life-size game board with the Ecocean teams
6. Remote controlled mini sailboats : Learn to pilot remote controlled mini sailboats and watch a mini regatta in a RCV
7. Virtual Reality : Equipped with a virtual reality helmet, discover the port on land, in the air and under the sea
8. The lifeguards at sea: First aid, survival reflexes, discovery of the equipment and visit of the lifeguard ship
9. The firemen: The firemen open the doors of the Admiral Jean Giraud, their intervention ship.
10. Clo’s workshops: Claudine will introduce you to the art of origami
11. Claire’s workshops : Claire Tostain, draughtswoman, invites you to draw marine creatures with her workshop ” Pioches et Dessines moi un poisson “.
12. Ecomer: Discover the missions of Ecomer which combines ecology and marine solidarity.

See you on 29 April 2023 from 10am!