Strenthening of mooring regulation in the Med

23 June 2022

new regulatory milestone has been reached with the decree of 16 June 2022 (prefectoral decree n°177/2022 regulating the duration of anchoring of vessels in the French inland and territorial waters of the Mediterranean), which applies to all vessels, regardless of their flag, sailing in the Mediterranean coastal maritime zone. This text sets out the general principle of limiting the duration of anchoring.
The situation is different depending on whether or not the vessel is subject to an anchoring permit:
*For pleasure craft (yachts) of a length of 80 metres or more and all other vessels of more than 45 metres or with a gross tonnage of more than 300, initial authorisation to anchor will henceforth only be granted for a maximum of 24 hours, which may be renewed on request for reasons relating to maritime safety, health conditions, commercial and technical operations (including yachting) up to a maximum of 72 hours.*For other vessels, anchoring is now limited to 72 hours. This period may be extended by 72-hour periods, under the responsibility of the ship’s captain or the captain of the ship, for the same reasons.
This limitation on the duration of anchoring does not concern the managed anchorage areas (MELA).

Vessels over 80 metres: authorisation to be requested from CROSS MED, VHF channel 16 or by telephone on 04 94 61 16 16

Vessels between 45 and 79 metres other than pleasure craft: authorisation to be requested from the French navy control/Signal station in the area, VHF channel 16 and by telephone

French navy control/Signal station  – La Garoupe 04 93 61 32 77

French navy control/Signal station  – Saint Jean Cap Ferrat 04 93 76 04 06

French navy control/Signal station  – Dramont 04 94 82 00 08

French navy control/Signal station – Caramat 04 94 79 80 28

Pleasure craft of less than 80 metres and all vessels of less than 45 metres: in the event of anchoring for more than 72 hours, authorisation must be requested from the semaphore in the area.